Reg. ID:- 3454216 PCS ID:- 29318/24
Bhuvik is 11 months old heart patient. He has got a heart disease CHD (Congenital Heart Disease) by birth. He has been evaluated by Dr. JAY RELAN and Dr. NEERAJ AGGARWAL and found to have CHD heart disease. They advised him for Cardiac surgery (VSD Closure + RVOTO resection + Intraop Bronchoscopy for LMB compression). He needs this surgery as soon as possible for saving his Life. His surgery will take place at SIR GANGARAM Hospital New Delhi.
But surgery and treatment is very expensive. He belongs to a poor family. His father doing a field job in a private company in Meerut-UP. Due to poor condition of family. They are unable to afford the whole expenses (Rs. 600,000/-) of the surgery & treatment.
So their request to LCRA to sponsor the surgery and treatment expenses of the child.