UHID:- 7931179
Gaurav is 13yrs old heart patient. He has got a heart disease CHD by birth. He was evaluated by Dr. MANVINDER SINGH SAVCHDEV in 2016 and found to have case of Severe LPA/RPA Stenosis heart disease. He advised him for 2 surgeries, his 1st surgery was successfully done on 29-11-2016. Now he needs his 2nd procedure of Cardiac Cath Foll. by LPA/RPA Ballon Dilatation-Stent implantation, LPA/RPA. He needs this surgery as soon as possible for saving his life. His surgery will take place at Fortis Hospital-Gurgaon.
But surgery and treatment is very expensive. He belongs to a very poor family. His father works as an Auto rikshaw driver. They are living in a rented home. They are unable to afford the whole expenses (Rs. 300,000/-) of the surgery & treatment.
So their request to “LCRA” to sponsor the surgery and treatment expanses of the child.
Please note:-
Surgery of Master Gaurav was successfully done,
Now he is discharge from hospital and recovering well.